FLAREgamer is a project shared by longtime members of digitalFLARE. We publish just about anything related to our community; from game or movie reviews to interviews and coverage on industry events. We have tons of fun collaborating on fashion or lifestyle features. We also run guilds in the MMORPGs we play together.
digitalFLARE is a semi-private lifestyle forum exclusive to ladylike gamers with fairly disposable incomes. We love forward fashions and fluffy romances equally as much as we love geek genres. To join in our ‘Team Lace’ threads, please directly for an account.
Heartful Spirit is a digital scrapbook filled with various personal recollections. From a few of my favourite things to a long rundown of the music and dancing lessons I take, this personal site houses just about everything that I love. Naturally, there's a section on my cats. I may add baking or décor content in the future.