Caraway Mansion's Library

Links to recommended fan-written stories.  

This section contains links to authors of well written FF8 fanfictions. The ones linked here were recommended because they are either completed or keep Rinoa in character. I don't read much fanfiction because I only like finished stories, so if you have a recommended author feel free to contact me.

  • 1. Almicene Raion – a joint Suspense/Romance story between 3 authors
  • 2. Ashbear – author of Romance/Drama stories in modern settings
  • 3. Ashbear & Wayward – a joint Romance/Drama story between 2 authors
  • 4. Lady Raion – author of Romance/Drama stories in modern settings
  • 5. Elanor Tinuviel – author of Romance stories set in alternate universes
  • 6. Pasifik Star – author of Romance/Humor and alternate universe stories
  • 7. Renegade Seraph – author of Romance/Humor and Adventure stories
  • 8. Tea Lover – a Romance/Drama story set in a Victorian era

For many years I have also hosted a webpage for Tealover on her story A Maid's Tale. It's a collaborative project and despite our schedules we want to keep it going. If it can be compared to anything, I would call it a frilly Victorian version of Berserk, our all time favourite manga. The setting begins quite routine and fluffy, but eventually shifts into what could be dark scifi and high fantasy.